Q1:- What is Kansas City and Where is it suited?
ANS: Kansas is city of America.
Q2:- What is meant by Synthesis?
ANS: Synthesis means combining the different parts into a single whole.
Q3:- What is Albert Einstein's attitude to war?
ANS: Einstein's hates war. War is based on commercial and political interest of rules and nations. It would disappear if these interest were not there.
Q4:- What facts does Marlowe's evidence established?
Ans: Thomas Marlow who is the butler of Mr. Barthwick informs the court that the silver cigarette box belonged to Mr. Barthwick. He also tells that it was missing and he had informed by his employer about it. He confirms that Mrs. Jones is also the chairwomen of the Mr. Barthwick. He informs the court that the silver box was placed on the dining room table on the night of Easter.
Q5:- What do you mean by ‘Chauvinism? Ans: It is a fictional novel, describing past events.
Q6:- How is traditional culture threatened in an age dominated by science and machinery?
Ans: Traditional culture is threatened in this age because any one of the bigger power in science and modern technology might secure domination over the smaller nations. .This happened throughout the world history.
Q7:- Why was the space ship traveling at only seventy miles an hour when Harry wakes up?
Ans: The spaceship of traveling now at seventy mills an hour because will, the pilot, has been using low jets on it's for several hours. The low jets in the engine let less petrol to reach it.
Q8:- What motive has the main for murdering Mr. Okentubb?
Ans: She has killed his wife and daughter of the man. The man intends to kill her. '
Q9:- How accurate is the title of Thunber’s easy?
ANS: The title of the essay is accurate because the whole story revolves round it.
Q10:- "Our administrative machinery had to be built from scratch" What does the sentence mean?
ANS: This sentence means that when Pakistan comes into being it had no flag, capital, administration, equipment and military. They were asked to build the country of eight million people. The share of Pakistan remained largely undelivered. They had to build up the country from the scratch.
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